Latest Practice News

All the latest news and information from the surgery and our patient community 

Image for article titled Flu Vaccinations Flu Vaccinations We will be sending SMS messages to our eligible patients at the beginning of September with a link to book your appointments. Read more... 22/07/2024 Image for article titled Covid Vaccinations Covid Vaccinations Spring booster clinics are being held on the top floor of Bognor Health Centre. Read more... 16/05/2024 Image for article titled Weekend Cervical Screening Appointments Weekend Cervical Screening Appointments Saturday clinics available. Read more... 19/01/2024 Image for article titled Important information for patients currently on hospital waiting lists Important information for patients currently on hospital waiting lists Please do not contact the practice regarding this process as we have no information regarding individual patients. 06/12/2023 Image for article titled Changes to the way we handle your Prescription Requests Changes to the way we handle your Prescription Requests We are seeing an increasing number of patients using pharmacy-owned apps to send in medication requests, in example Pharmacy2U - Learn More 12/10/2023 Image for article titled Delays with our postal service Delays with our postal service Please be aware that we are getting very infrequent post deliveries which is currently running a week overdue.  07/09/2023