Dr Alexander Thornton Smith

Dr Alexander Thornton Smith

Gender: Male
Primary qualifications: BSc MBBS MRCS MRCGP

I graduated from King’s College School of Medicine & Dentistry in 1996 and initially trained in surgery & urology around London & Surrey. After making the decision to swap to a career in primary care (and wishing to escape big cities!) I came to Arundel before working in Orkney & India. Eschewing rain & a persistent lottery of exciting gastrointestinal parasites I was lucky to be invited back to Arundel when a partner retired in 2007.

I maintain an interest in urology and mens’ health and work one day per week in the urology department at Worthing Hospital.

Outside work I maintain an interest in any sport that requires gentlemanly tweed rather than unsightly lycra. I enjoy testing my marriage by breaking down in a small collection of old cars & motorcycles and regularly run out of talent on n+1 bicycles. The rest of my time is spent wrangling three children who seem intent on aiding my early departure from this mortal coil.